Programme Specific Outcomes of B. A. English

On the completion of B.A. English the students are able to:

PSO 1: Imbibe moral and human values though study English language and literature.

PSO 2: Make special use of language for their expression

PSO 3: To make accurate use of English language in their respective field and communicate effectively

PSO 4: Get acquaint with the language, poetical style, and diction to interpret any literary text.

PSO 5: Make proficient in English language to improve their employability.

Course Outcomes of B. A. English

On the completion of course the students are able to:

CO 1: Analyse the text for understanding content.

CO 2: Study basic English Grammar and composition for developing communication skills.

CO 3: Study and understand poetic types and trends

CO 4: Express creativity through writing poems.

CO 5: Understand and comprehend the significance and relevance of English as an International language.

Programme Specific Outcome of M.A. (English)

On the completion of M.A. (English) the Students are able to:

PSO 1: Identify major literary genres of English Literature.

PSO 2: Critical evaluation and interpretation of a literary text

PSO 3: Study and understand classical and modern literary theory for the practical application to literature.

PSO 4: Develop aesthetic sense

PSO 5: Do linguistic analysis of the text.

Course outcomes of M.A. (English)

On the completion of the course the students are able to:

CO 1: Study and understand fiction and non-fiction to learn human values.

CO 2: Learn various concepts of English language and literature teaching.

CO 3: Get acquaints with the life and culture of various nations though the works of art.

CO 4: Learn language thought literary text.

CO 5: Study and understand contemporary literary theories for the practical application to literary text

Programme specific outcomes of M.Phil. (English)

On the completion of M.Phil. in English the students are able to:

PSO 1: Learn Human values through literary works

PSO 2: Do close textual analysis of literary works

PSO 3: Do critical analysis and interpretation

PSO 4: Study and understand the basic concepts of contemporary literary theory for the practical application of it to literature

PSO 5: Get acquaints with various cultures though literary works.

Course outcomes of M.Phil (English)

On the completion of the course the students are able to:

CO 1: Understand and apply the basic concepts of research in their research work.

CO 2: Study the methods of research, critical approaches and theories for the practical application to the Literature

CO 3: Do the practical application of literary terms and figures of speech in their writing.

CO 4: Understand the cultural ethos of America through Literary text.

CO 5: Get acquaints with Indian writer writing in English and understands the cultural multiplicity through Indian writing in English translation.


Programme Specific outcomes of B.A. (Marathi)

On the Completion of B.A. Marathi, Students are able to:

PSO 1: Learn various literary movements, their nature and scope.

PSO 2: Study many thinkers on human life values and human problems expressed in Marathi.

PSO 3: Enhance empathy, inclusiveness, tolerance and human values

PSO 4: Develop Communication Skill

PSO 5: Develop aesthetic sensibility

Course outcomes of B.A. Marathi

On the completion of the course, students are able to study:

CO 1: Literary forms

CO 2: Develop attitude of Marathi Linguistics and Grammar

CO 3: Study and understand rural literature in Marathi

CO 4: Know and understand Saint Literature in Marathi.

CO 5: Study the aesthetics of Dalit Literature

Programme Specific Outcomes of M.A. (Marathi)

On the completion of M.A. Marathi Students are able to:

PSO 1: Identify major literary genres

PSO 2: Do close textual analysis to interpret and evaluate literary text

PSO 3: Demonstrate in discussion and writing and understanding of literary techniques that    Marathi writers use in constructing their use.

PSO 4: Study and understand the Classical and Modern theories in Marathi literature.

PSO 4: Study the various literary trends in Marathi.

PSO 5: Develop literary competence

Course outcomes M.A. (Marathi)

On the completion of the Course Students are able to:

CO 1: Study poetical types and trends

CO 2: Study and understand theories of Marathi Literature to interpret literary texts

CO 3: Study Classical and Modern dramatists to evaluate Zadipatti Drama

CO 4: Study linguistics to do linguistic analysis of various dialects of Marathi.

CO 5: Study the history of Marathi Literature to develop historical sense.


Programme specific outcomes of B. A. Pali

On the completion of B. A. (Pali) the students are able to:

P S O 1:- Study the philosophy of Lord Buddha and is relevance in present context.

P S O 2:- study and understand the contribution of Lord Buddha for world peace

P S O 3:- Study the role of Lord Buddha for women empowerment.

P S O 4:- Understand Buddha’s concept of Liberty, Equality and fraternity

P S O 5:- Analyze Doctrines of Lord Buddha and its application.

Course outcomes of B. A. Pali

On the completion of the course the students are able to:

C O 1:- Apply the message of Jatak Katha’s in their life.

C O 2:- Learn Morality through Dhammapada

C O 3:- Know Buddha’s Life through Vinayapithaka.

C O 4:- Work for the survival of Pali Language.

C O 5:- Do comparative analysis of Pali and other languages.


Programme specific outcomes of M. A. (Pali)   

Programme Specific outcomes of M. A. (Pali), the students are able to:

P S O 1:- Study Buddha’s thought and its relevance in present context.

P S O 2:- Study and understand contribution of Lord Buddha for human rights.

P S O 3:- Analyze the impact of Buddha’s thought on Indian Constitution.

P S O 4:- Study the role of Lord Buddha for emancipation of women.

P S O 5:- Study Lord Buddha as multifaceted personality.



Course outcomes of M. A. (Pali)   

On the completion of course the students are able to:

C O 1:- Study Lord Buddha’s views on human psychology through Abhidhammapitak.

C O 2:- Study and understand Lard Buddha’s concept of Dhamma and its relevance.

C O 3:- Analyze “Lord Buddha & His Dhamma” as epoch making work.

C O 4:- Evaluate the Impact of Buddha’s thought on Emperor Ashoka and analyze Ashoka’s governance in present context.

C O 5:- Study Pali grammar and composition to develop Communication skills.


Program Specific Outcomes B.A. (Economics)

On completion of B.A. (Economics) Students will able to:

PSO 1: Understand basic concepts of economics.

PSO 2: Analyze operations of market under varying competitive conditions.

PSO 3: Analyze causes and consequence of unemployment, inflation and economic growth.

PSO 4: Demonstrate critical thinking skills to analyze and evaluate the way in which economists examine the real world to understand the current events.

PSO 5: Study economical theories and principles and their application

Course Outcomes of B.A. (Economics)

On the completion of the course student are able to:

CO 1: Understand the fundamental concepts of Economics

CO 2: Understand the theory of Production and Cost

CO 3: Understand the process of commercial and central Banking

CO 4: Study economic development and economic growth

CO 5: Study Environment, ecology and pollution control.

Program Specific outcomes of M.A. (Economics)

On the completion of the course student are able to:

PSO 1: Analyze economic behaviour in practice

PSO 2: Candidly express an economic point of view

PSO 3: Know the role of Market in real life

PSO 4: Understand infrastructure and economic Development

PSO 5: Understand relation between population and environment.

Course Outcomes (M.A. Economics)

On completion of the course, Students are able to:

CO 1: Understand the concept of Globalization

CO 2: Understand concept of budget and deficit finance

CO 3: Understand economics of Agriculture

CO 4: Understand Micro and Macro-economic analysis

CO 5: Understand classical and Keynesian theories of output and employment.


Programme Specific outcomes of B.A. (Political Science)

On Completion of B.A. (Political Science) Students are able to:

PSO 1: Write, Read, Speak and Listen effectively in social and political context.

PSO 2: demonstrate social responsibility and ethical reasoning


PSO 3: Develop an appreciation for diversity in identifying and achieving political goals.


PSO 4: Understand working process of Local Self government in reality.


PSO 5: Study Indian and Western Political Thinkers.

Course Outcomes of B.A. (Political Science)

On Completion of the course Students are able to:

CO 1: Understand Constitutional Framework of state and central government

CO 2:  Know about right to information Act.

CO 3: Understand the basic concepts of political theories

CO 4: Study the fundamental right and duties in reality

CO 5: Analyze the thoughts of Political Thinkers.

Programme Specific Outcomes of M.A. (Political Science)

On the completion of M.A. (Political Science) Students are able to:

PSO 1: Recognize and apply basic research methods to political science including research design, date analysis and interpretation.

PSO 2: Use critical thinking skills to analyze and evaluate the ways in which political scientists examine the world.

PSO 3: Analyze the core intellectual traditions in political thought and apply their central tenets to contemporary political problems and issues.

PSO 4: Use analytical skills to understand civic social and environmental challenges

PSO 5: Study and understand basic theories of political science and thoughts of Indian and Western political thinkers.

Course outcomes of M.A. (Political Science)

On completion of the course, students are able to:

CO 1: Understand nature and significance political theory.

CO 2: Understand the concepts of Sovereignty, Citizenship, Liberty, Equality, Justice and Democracy.

CO 3 : Study and understand comparative Government and politics.

CO 4 : Study and understand the planning and implementation of Foreign Policy

CO 5 : Understand the concept of Globalization

Programme Specific outcomes of B. A. (History)

On the completion of B. A. History the students are able to:

P S O 1:- Understand, National, Regional, International history for developing historical sense

P S O 2:- Understand Indian culture in reality

P S O 3:- Develop the feeling of patriotism and Nationalism

P S O 4:- Prepare themselves for competitive carriers in fields like civil services and teaching.

P S O 5:- Critically analyze the various sources of history.

Course outcomes of B. A. (History)

On the completion of the course students are able to:

C O 1:- Perceive various sources to study Ancient India

C O 2:- Understand the history of medieval period of India to comprehend various sources

C O 3:- Learn about the causes and aftermaths of the American Revolution, French Revolution and Russian Revolution.

C O 4:- Understand the History of modem period of India to comprehend social-reformation scenario and social reformation and various phases of national movement.

C O 5:- Describe the historical process which leads to rise of nationalism in Europe

Programme Specific outcomes of M. A. (History)

On the completion of M. A. history students are able to:

P S O 1:- Understand and evaluate the complexities of historical developments of various nations, societies, and cultures.

P S O 2:- Get acquaint with research skills, methodologies, philosophy of history and historiography as being professional historian and researcher.

P S O 3:- Learn to evaluate historical narratives with the approach of comparative method.

P S O 4:- Think and argue historically and critically.

P S O 5:- Identity how the Indian culture contributed to the World human civilization through the ages

Course outcomes of M. A. (History)

On the completion of course students are able to:

C O 1:- Understand the meaning, nature and scope of history.

C O 2:- Apply the theory of historicism as a professional skill in various fields of intellect.

C O 3:- Understand the basic concepts of Ancient and Medieval India.

C O 4:- Understand the administrative set up of Sultanate and Mughals.

C O 5:- Describe and evaluate the various traditions and theories of Maratha historiography.


Program specific outcomes of B. A. (Sociology)

On the completion B. A. (sociology) students are able to:

P S O 1:- Study and understand society, social institution, organizations and their nature, work and utility.

P S O 2:- Study various social problems to find out remedies.

P S O 3:- Learn social values, norms and culture to become ideal citizens.

P S O 4:- Get acquaint with tribal society and culture and their problems.

P S O 5:- Create awareness in the society regarding various Governmental schemes.

Course outcomes of B. A. (sociology)

On the completion the course student are able to:

C O 1:- Learn origin and development of sociology and its relations with other social science suggests.

C O 2:- Study various social systems and their utility.

C O 3:- Understand basic social concepts such as society, community social group, caste, social structure, socialisation, culture, social control etc.

C O 4:- Study various social problems and find solution to them.

C O 5:- Study and understand tribal economy, faith, religion, magic, family clan marriage and their political systems.

Program specific outcomes M. A. (Sociology)

On the completion M. A. Sociology, students are able to:

P S O 1:- Develop the sociological knowledge and skills.

P S O 2:- Think critically about society and social issues.

P S O 3:- Work for social reforms.

P S O 4:- Study and understand various culture religion and society in present context.

P S O 5:- Study theories and thinkers sociology to develop historical sense.

Course outcomes of M. A. (Sociology)

On the completion of the course students are able to:

C O 1:- Study methodology of social research.

C O2:- Study rural and urban society in reality.

C O 3:- Learn social movements in India.

C O 4:- Study industry and society in India and the concept of political sociology.

C O 5:- Study sociology of change and developments.

Program specific outcomes of M. Phil (Sociology)

On the completion of M. Phil Sociology student are able to:

P S O 1:- Study and understand the basic principles of social research on selected topics in the sociology.

P S O 2:- Apply modern social theory with respect to empirical topics.

P S O 3:- Develop skills necessary to conduct independent social research and experience in their use.

P S O 4:- Do critical evaluation and interpretation of various social problems and issues and find solution to them.

P S O 5:- Situate their own research with current developments in the field.

Course outcomes of M. Phil (Sociology)

On the completion of the course students are able to:

C O 1:- Study and understand social movements in India.

C O 2:- Understand theories of various thinkers of sociology.

C O 3:- Study methodology of social research.

C O 4:- develop a sense of social responsibility.

C O 5:- Develop verbal and written communication skills.

The Programme specific outcomes of B.A. Ambedkar Thought.

On the completion of B.A. (Ambedkar Thought) the Students are able to:

PSO 1 Study the philosophy of Dr. Ambedkar and its relevance in present context.

PSO 2: Study and understand the contribution of Dr. Ambedkar in nation building

PSO 3: Study the role of Dr. Ambedkar for the empowerment of women

PSO 4: Study the contribution of Dr. Ambedkar for the annihilation of Caste.

PSO 5: Study Dr. Ambedkar as multifaceted personality.


Course outcomes of the course of B.A. Ambedkar Thought.

On the completion of the course the students are able to:

CO 1: Study Dr. Ambedkar’s Social thought in present context.

CO 2: Study Dr. Ambedkar’s economic thought and its relevance

CO 3: Study Dr. Ambedkar’s views on education in present context

CO 4: Study Dr. Ambedkar’s Political thought and its relevance at present.

CO 5: Study Dr. Ambedkar’s view on religion in present context.

Programme specific outcomes of M.A. (Ambedkar Thought)

On the completion of the M.A. Ambedkar Thought students are able to:

PSO 1: Understand Dr. Ambedkar’s contribution to society

PSO 2: Study the role of Dr. Ambedkar’s for National integration.

PSO 3: Understand Indian constitution in praxis.

PSO 4: Understand the influence of Lord Buddha on Dr. Ambedkar.

PSO 5: Study basic concept of research in Social sciences.

Course outcomes of the course of M.A. (AmbedkarThought)

On the completion of the course the students are able to:

CO 1: Study Dr.Ambedkar’s theory on Women emancipation and its relevance at present.

CO 2: Study Dr.Ambedkar’s theory on untouchability and its use for the eradication of untouchability present context

CO 3: Know Dr.Ambedkar’s views on Literature

CO 4: Study Dr.Ambedkar’s views on secularism

CO 5: Study Dr.Ambekdar’s political, economic, religious, educational and social thoughts in present context.

Programme specific outcomes of B. A. (Music)

On completion of B. A. (Music) the students are able to:

P S O 1:- Explain the major theories of Music and perform all major and minor Tanpura.

P S O 2:- Get acquaint with the knowledge of musical composition.

P S O 3:- Study the theoretical details of ragas and talas with their practical performance.

P S O4:- Study the contribution of the renowned musicians.

P S O 5:- Develop the technical skills of musical performance with harmony.

Course outcomes of B. A. (Music)

On the completion of the course the students are able to:

C O 1:- Study Ragas – Yaman, Kaffi, Durga, Bilawal, Bhupal, Bhairavi, Bindrawano, Sarang, to compose and play classical and semi classical songs.

C O 2:- Stand and understand Talas like Tritals, Ektal, Chantal, Japtal, tilwada, dadara, Kerawa to give melody and harmony to the musical compositions.

C O 3:- Learn folk Music and light music to understand & Preserve the same.

C O 4:- Develop the skills of reading and writing of notations of songs – Bandish/ that’s.

C O 5:- To get asquint with different Gharanas of Music and the to develop historical sense of music

Programme specific outcomes of B.Sc. Chemistry

On the completion of B.Sc. Chemistry the students are able to:

P S O 1:- Understand the scope, methodology and application of modem chemistry

P S O 2:- Study theoretical and practical concepts of instruments that are commonly used in most chemistry field.

P S O 3:- Plan and conduct scientific experiments and record the results of such experiments.

P S O 4:- Get acquaint with safety of chemicals, transfer, and measurement of chemicals, preparation of solutions, and using physical properties to identity compounds and chemical reactions.

P S O 5:- Describe how chemistry is useful to solve social, economic and environmental problem and issues facing our society in energy, medicine and health.

Course outcomes of B.Sc. Chemistry

On the completion of the course the students are able to:

C O 1:- Explain periodic properties of elements; understand formation of ionic bonding and factors affecting ionic bond formation.

C O 2:- Interpret aromaticity and based on that distinguish aromatic, and non- aromatic compounds able to know the structure Benzene and its electrophonic substitution reaction.

C O 3:- Describe synthesis and chemical reactions alkyl, halides aryl halides and alcohol.

C O 4:- Understand covalent – bonding metallic bonding and describe structure of molecule with regular and distorted geometry by using VSEPR theory and know about gravi-metric and volu-metric analysis.

C O 5:- Understand the phenomena of Nuclear Magnetic Resonance Spectroscopy and Rotational Spectroscopy.

Programme specific outcomes B. SC Physics 

On the completion of the B. SC. Physics the students are able to:

P S O 1:- Develop scientific attitude and temperament and give emphasis on the development of experimental skills, data analysis, calculation, measurements and also on the limitations and precautions about the experimental method data and results obtained.

P S O 2 :- Understand the conceptual development of the subject for the application of it to emerging physics courses like – Atomic physics, Nuclear – Physics, Nano – technology etc.

P S O 3:- Understand theories of physics and its relevance in present context.

P S O 4:- Study the strength of equation, format graphs, and mathematical tools to solve the problems.

P S O 5:- Make models and circuits through the study of digital electronics.

Course outcomes of B. SC Physics 

On the completion of the course the students are able to:

C O 1:- Explain the concept of Gravitation and planetary motion with rotational motion of rigid body and moment of inertia and concept of linear and angular momentum.

C O 2:- Understand basic network theorems and construction and working of different instruments through different circuits.

C O 3:- Understand semiconductor physics and devices like diode LED, FET, OP-AMP, with the study of special theory of relativity.

C O 4:- Understand geometrical optics, theory of interference of light, diffraction of light with the concept of polarisation of light.

C O 5:- Understand failures of classical mechanic through the study of quantum mechanics.

Program specific outcomes of B. Sc. (Mathematics)

On the completion of B. SC. (Mathematics) Students are able to:

P S O 1:- Solve complex problems by critical understanding analysis and synthesis.

P S O 2:- Demonstrate & understand the common body of knowledge in maths and demonstrate the ability to apply analytical & theoretical skill to model & to solve the mathematical problem.

P S O 3:- Use basic definition in linear & Abstract Algebra & Real Analysis and to simple consequence of this definition.

P S O 4:- Critically interpret data, write reports and apply the basic rules of evidence.

P S O 5 :- Provide a systematic understanding of the concepts and theories of mathematics and its application in the real word – to an advance level and enhance carrier prospects in a huge array of field.

Course Outcomes of B. SC. (Mathematics)

On the completion of the course students are able to:

C O 1:- Understand the concepts of hyperbolic and inverse hyperbolic function, de-movers theorem and its application.

C O 2:- Study and understand definition of the limit of function, basic properties of limits, continuous functions and classification of discontinuities.

C O 3:- Study second orders linear differential equations with constant coefficients, Homogeneous linear ordinary differential equations reducible to homogeneous differential equations.

C O 4:- Study group and its definition subgroup, cyclic group’s permutations groups as well as ring, sub ring, integral domain integral domain.

C O 5:- Study Vector Space:  Linear transformations, dual spaces, Inner product spaces modules, its definitions, examples and its properties.

Program Specific Outcomes of B. SC. Zoology

On the completion of B. SC. Zoology students are able to:

P O 1:- Study the theory of human evolution.

P O 2:- Understand the basic difference between plant and animal.

P O 3:- Study and understand various system adaptation and dentition in mammals.

P O 4:- Study of creation of life by cell.

P O 5:- Create health awareness in the society.

Course outcome of B. SC. Zoology

On the completion of the course students are able to:

C O 1:- Study and understand the evolutionary history of phylum.

C O 2 :- Study and understand the basic concepts of phylum chordate.

C O 3:- Understand the techniques used for the study of blood corpuscles and the meaning of osmotic pressure, isotonic, Hypotonic and Hypertonic.

C O 4:- Study & understand the various systems & human being & other animal.

C O 5:- Study of Ecosystem & biodiversity.

Program specific outcomes of B. SC. (Botany)

On the completion of the course students are able to:

P S O 1:- Study and understand Medicinal plants and use its knowledge for earning source.

P S O 2:- Explore flora.

P S O 3:- Preserve the rare medicinal plants.

P S O 4:- Create awareness about plant propagation.

P S O 5:- Use the knowledge of bio-fertilisers.

Course outcomes of B. SC. (Botany)

On the completion of the course students are able:

C O 1:- Study the cryptogamous  plants and their diversity in aquatic ecosystem and the role of fungi in food Industry.

C O 2:- Do systematic study of plants and their classifications and identify the significance of angiosperm plants.

C O 3 Study and understand the role of cell biology, Genetics, Molecular biology and Biotechnology.

C O 4:- Study and understand plant biochemistry, physiology and Ecology.

C O 5:- Study the role of microbes in Agriculture medicine and Industry.

Programme Specific Outcomes of B. SC. Computer Science       

 On the completion of the B. SC. Computer Science the students are able to:

P S O 1:- Understand the knowledge of operating system in realty.

P S O 2:- Study data structure and its principles.

P S O 3:- Learn different programming languages as per the requirements software fields.

P S O 4:- Study and understand the importance of cyber security.

P S O 5:- study the different roles and the features of operating system.

Course outcomes of B. SC. Computer Science       

On the completion of course students are able to:

C O 1:- Study and understand history and basics of computer.

C O 2:- Develop programming skills.

C O 3:- Understand how to design web site using HTML Language, which is useful in internet computing.

C O 4:- Know about data structure and basic algorithmic notation.

C O 5:- Get acquaint with the knowledge of operating system.


Program outcomes of M. Lib. I SC

On the completion of M. Lib I SC students are able to:

P O 1:- Apply the skills and attitudes of visioning entrepreneurship advocacy, planning and management to leadership in the information field.

P O 2:- Manage information resources and information life cycle through the process of collection development, rimes emulation, organization, presumption access and dissemination in accordance with physical, virtual & technical infrastructure and needs.

P O 3:- Understand the social, political, epical and legal aspects of information, creation, access ownership, service and communication.

P O 4:- Anticipate emerging trends and respond proactively.

P O 5:- Implement and evaluate information and communication technologies for efficiency, usability and value to users.

Program specific outcomes of M. Lib. I SC

On the completion of program, students are able to:

P S O 1:- Articulate a philosophy of ethical and client centred information services for the library and information professions.

P S O 2:- Explain and implement the development, maintenance, and management of collections and resources to meet specific information needs.

P S O 3:- Explain use, maintain and develop systems to organize and retrieve recorded knowledge.

P S O 4:- Employ current and emerging technologies of fictively for communication and to search for identify repackage   and deliver information resources.

P S O 5:- Retrieve, evaluate and synthesize information resources to fulfil an information needs, assessment and evaluate the usefulness of these resources to the user.

Course outcomes of M. Lib. I SC

On the completion of the course students are able to:

C O 1:- Study the history of Library and information science.

C O 2:- Study and understand management of Libraries and information centres.

C O 3:- Study information sources and services.

C O 4:- Study and understand the basics of Information technology and Library Automation.

C O 5:- Study the ICT applications in Libraries and information centres.

Program Specific Outcomes (B. Com)

On the completion of B. Com students are able to:

P S O 1:- Build a strung formation on knowledge in different areas of commerce.

P S O 2:- Develop the skill of applying concepts and techniques used in commerce.

P S O 3:- Develop an attitude for working efficiently and effectively in business world.

P S O 4:- Acquire knowledge of Indian company act 1956 and its practicality.

Course Outcomes of B. Com.

On the completion of the course students are able to:

  1. Acquire conceptual knowledge of financial accounting and to impart skill for recording various business transactions.
  2. Understand the basic concepts of micro and macro economics.
  3. Understand basic Principles of management.
  4. Understand the conceptual framework of organisational field.
  5. Develop necessary techniques, skills and communication.


Program outcomes of B. A.

On the completion of the program, students are able to:

P O 1:- Study and understand knowledge of various fields of study in core disciplines in the humanities and social sciences.

P O 2:- develop critical and analytical skills for the identification and resolutions of problems within complex changing social, linguistic and literary context.

P O 3:- Inculcate human values that resulted into transformation of behaviour.

P O 4:- Analyze the problems and apply their knowledge to solve them.

P O 5:- Work with self-esteem, self-reliance, self-reflection and creativity to face adversities in work and personal life.

Program Outcomes of B. Com.

On completion of the program students are able to:

P O 1:- Start entrepreneurial activities

P O 2:- Develop ethical values, team work, leadership managerial skill and communication skill.

P O 3:- Use the knowledge of accounting practically.

P O 4:- Take decision at personal and professional level.

P O 5:- Analyzes social, political, economic aspects of business originations

Program outcomes of B. SC.

On the completion of the program students are able to:

P O 1:- study and understand fundamentals of science education

P O 2:- Enrich their knowledge in all basic sciences.

P O 3:- Develop a sense of scientific social responsibility and environmental awareness

P O 4:- Build-up a progressive and successful career in academics and industry.

P O 5:- Render contribution for the development of Nation.

Program outcomes of M. A.

On the completion of the program students are able to:

  1. Understand and apply theories, principles and international practices that promote language development & access to core cement.
  2. Understand how cultural, social, political, historical, economic, linguistic and environmental forces shape the world and recognize the role of the individual us thin communities to effect change.
  3. Analyze and critically reflect on comply problems incorporating multiple perspectives and innovative thinking.
  4. Engage them in schoolman inquiry to identify and investigate questions of a theoretical and applied nature.
  5. Demonstrate detailed knowledge in their disciplines and integrate knowledge and perspectives across disciplinary bondages.

Program outcomes of M. Phil

On the completion the program, students are able to:

P O 1:- Demonstrate a thorough understanding of research methodologies and techniques at an advanced level.

P O 2:- Engage in critical intellectual enquiry.

P O 3:- Provide novel solutions to complex problems.

P O 4:- Demonstrate adherence to personal and professional ethics.

P O 5:- Demonstrate critical understanding, at an advanced level, of-up-to-date knowledge and research methodology of a particular field.

P O 6:- Implement effective academic and personal strategies for carrying out research projects independently and ethically.

P O 7:- Communicate research findings at a diverse range of levels.

P O 8:- Evaluate one’s own research in relation in important and latest issues in the field.


Program specific outcomes of certificate course in yoga and meditation.

On the completion the program students are able to:

P S O 1:- Acquire basic knowledge of yoga on physical and mental level.

P S O 2:- Able to conduct yoga classes on general level.

P S O 3:- Study and understand the basic concepts of yoga and meditations.

P S O 4:- Become spiritually strong.

P S O 5:- Overcame stress.


Course outcomes of certificate course in yoga and meditation (C C Y M)

On the completion the course, students are able to:

C O 1:- Study the meaning principles of yoga and meditation.

C O 2:- Lean Anatomy and physiology for yogic practice.

C O 3:- Get acquaint of with teaching methodology of yogic practice.

C O 4:- Study various types a yoga pranayam, kriyas.

C O 5:- Study and understand proper yogic diet.


Program Specific Outcomes of certificate course in Buddhist Studies

On the completion of the course students are able to:

P S O 1:- Stud thought Lord Buddha in present context.

P S O 2:- Analyze the principles of Lord Buddha.

P S O 3:- Develop communication skills and personality.

P S O 4:- Study Buddha’s thought on women empowerment.

P S O 5:- Study Buddha’s concept of four Noble truth.


Course outcomes of (C C B S)

On the completion of the course students are able to:

C O 1:- Study and understand message of Lord Buddha through Tripitak, Suttapitak, Vinaypitak and Abhidhammapitak.

C O 2:- Study and understand the causes of human suffering and find remedies to it.

C O 3:- Study Eight Fold path of Lord Buddha practically.

C O 4:- Study grammar and composition of Pali Language for comparative study.

C O 5:- Study Buddha as multifaceted personality.


Program specific outcomes of Certificate Course in Ambedkar Thought (C C A S)

On the completion of the Certificate Course in Ambedkar Thought, students are able to:

P S O 1:- Study the philosophy of Dr. Ambedkar in present context.

P S O 2:- Study Dr. Ambedkar’s contribution for the eradication of the caste system.

P S O 3:- Study the history of social reformation movement in India.

P S O 4:- Study Dr.Ambedkar as multi-faceted personality.

P S O 5:- Evaluate the role of Dr.Ambedkar for Nation building.


Course outcomes of Certificate Course in Ambedkar Thought

On the completion of the course, students are able to:

C O 1:- Assess Dr.Ambedkar as a Social Scientist.

C O 2:- Study Varna System.

C O 3:- Study and understand the concepts of caste and class.

C O 4:- Analyze role of Dr.Ambedkar for the annihilation of caste.

C O 5:- Study theories untouchability and broken men.

Program specific outcomes of certificate course in ICT

On the completion the course students are able to:

P S O 1:- Study the history of computers and understand basic concepts of ICT.

P S O 2:- Develop soft skills.

P S O 3:- Improve productivity.

P S O 4:- Study and understand information databases.

P S O 5:- Get acquaint with information on Emerging trends.

Course outcomes of certificate course in ICT

On the completion of the course students are able to:

C O 1:- Develop digital literally skills that enable them to function as discerning students in an increasingly digital society.

C O 2:- Access various tools and applications for learning and skill development.

C O 3:- Operate variety of hardware and software indecently.

C O 4:- Use the ICT facilities with care ensuring the safety of themselves others and the equipment.

C O 5:- Practice safe, legal and ethical means of using ICT.


Program outcomes of certificate courses

On the completion of certificate program students are able to:

P O 1:- Demonstrate verbal and written communication skills including critical and analytical thinking.

P O 2:- Demonstrate an understanding of concept principles and scope of ICT.

P O 3:- Develop a sense of social responsibility and preserve human values.

P O 4:- Analyze social problems and find solution to them.

P O 5:- Explain what constitutes significant or major innovations.